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I'm an indie developer dedicated to crafting gem apps with a touch of
  • minimalist
  • elegance
  • ensuring a delightful
  • efficient user experience

Explore the collection of apps, each crafted with the brilliance and precision of a finely cut gem. Experience exceptional quality and detail.

CSV File Viewer - Smart CSV
CSV File Viewer - Smart CSV

Effortlessly explore CSV: AI assistant, PDF/chart, filter, SQL queries, and more.
More than a basic csv reader, it's your comprehensive CSV file explorer. Uncover all this with Smart CSV Viewer:

- Easy to view your CSV file.
- Use AI Assistant to query CSV content.
- Show column image URL as an image.
- Analyzing your data is easy by using visual filters or SQL queries.
- Easy filter data with Visual Filter Editor.
- Generate a chart image.
- Convert to PDF file. A CSV file can be custom data and style to export to a pdf file as you want.
- Manage all the exported files and share them with your friends.
- Easy to search your content.
- Copy the selected rows.
- Support both csv & tsv file format.
- Files open instantly after import, even those of large size.
- and more.

Habit Tracker: 30Day Challenge
Habit Tracker: 30Day Challenge

Effortlessly track habits, build a better life: Simple and easy.
Welcome to our Habit Tracker app, your companion for effortlessly cultivating new habits. With its intuitive hand-drawn interface, simplicity is key - no notifications, reminders, distractions, or ads to disrupt your focus.

Craft concise and memorable habit names for easy recall. Personalize your experience further by customizing the background paper style to suit your taste.

Track your progress at your convenience, whether it's a quick check-in during idle moments or a nightly reflection before bed. By integrating seamlessly into your routine, habits become ingrained effortlessly.

Take control of your habits' sequence with ease. Simply navigate to settings, reorder, and rearrange them to your preference with a simple drag-and-drop interface.

Stay informed with insightful statistics on your habit-building journey. Track your progress by monitoring the number of completed days for each habit.

Once a habit becomes second nature, effortlessly remove it from your list to make space for new ones. It's all about continuous growth and improvement.

Embark on your habit-building journey today and unlock your full potential. Let's embark on a journey of continuous improvement, building habits to craft a lifestyle of enduring success!